Updating Fedora Core 2?

Steve Greenfield feats at colorado.icam.vt.edu
Fri Jun 25 12:36:35 UTC 2004

I downloaded Fedora Core 2 and installed all the software.
Afterward I configured my machine and wanted to get all
the updates.  I tried running up2date --register but I
think something isn't working correctly.

I get messages like this:

	This system may not be updated until it is
	associated with a channel.

	Invalid Architecture and OS release combination
	(2, athlon-redhat-linux).  Your system has been
	registered, but will not receive updates because
	it is not subscribed to a channel.

After I try and register to get updates, I go to my redhat network
account to look at the system and see the list of updates.  It shows
the system and lists the Base Channel as "(none)" and Entitlement as
"Demo" with no errata or packages to update.

Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong?  Thanks!

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