up2date problem

James Lawrence linuxjim at rochester.rr.com
Fri Jun 25 17:28:52 UTC 2004

James Lawrence wrote:

> William Hooper wrote:
>>William Hooper said:
>>>James Lawrence said:
>>>>>>i get an error when i try to run up2date via the red icon.
>>>>>And that error would be???
>>>>Error Message:
>>>>Please run rhn_register (or up2date --register on Red Hat Linux 8.0)
>>>>as root on this client Error Class Code: 9 Error Class Info: Invalid
>>>>System Credentials.
>>>You have tried to register with RHN (and again, Fedora isn't a supported
>>>Red Hat product).  You should be able to fix this by commenting out the
>>>"up2date default" in /etc/sysconfig/rhn/sources.
>>>It seems to be that there might be an option that needs reset in
>>>/etc/sysconfig/rhn/up2date, but I'd have to find that in the archives.
>>It would be "useRhn" and should be set to "0"
> the attackment im sending is a copy of    up2date from the 
> /etc/sysconfig/rhn/ dir
># Automatically generated Red Hat Update Agent config file, do not edit.
># Format: 1.0
>useNoSSLForPackages[comment]=Use the noSSLServerURL for package, package list, and header fetching
>storageDir[comment]=Where to store packages and other data when they are retrieved
>pkgSkipList[comment]=A list of package names, optionally including wildcards, to skip
>retrieveOnly[comment]=Retrieve packages only
>noSSLServerURL[comment]=Remote server URL without SSL
>networkRetries[comment]=Number of attempts to make at network connections before giving up
>pkgsToInstallNotUpdate[comment]=A list of provides names or package names of packages to install not update
>enableProxy[comment]=Use a HTTP Proxy
>noBootLoader[comment]=To disable modification of the boot loader (lilo, silo, etc)
>proxyPassword[comment]=The password to use for an authenticated proxy
>updateUp2date[comment]=Allow up2date to update itself when possible
>keepAfterInstall[comment]=Keep packages on disk after installation
>useGPG[comment]=Use GPG to verify package integrity
>headerCacheSize[comment]=The maximum number of rpm headers to cache in ram
>forceInstall[comment]=Force package installation, ignoring package, file and config file skip list
>systemIdPath[comment]=Location of system id
>retrieveSource[comment]=Retrieve source RPM along with binary package
>enableRollbacks[comment]=Determine if up2date should create rollback rpms
>gpgKeyRing[comment]=The location of the gpg keyring to use for package checking
>adminAddress[comment]=List of e-mail addresses for update agent to communicate with when run in batch mode
>adminAddress=root at localhost;
>serverURL[comment]=Remote server URL
>fileSkipList[comment]=A list of file names, optionally including wildcards, to skip
>versionOverride[comment]=Override the automatically determined system version
>sslCACert[comment]=The CA cert used to verify the ssl server
>noReplaceConfig[comment]=When selected, no packages that would change configuration data are automatically installed
>enableProxyAuth[comment]=To use an authenticated proxy or not
>disallowConfChanges[comment]=Config options that can not be overwritten by a config update action
>headerFetchCount[comment]=The maximimum number of rpm headers to fetch at once
>proxyUser[comment]=The username for an authenticated proxy
>removeSkipList[comment]=A list of package names, optionally including wildcards that up2date will not remove
>debug[comment]=Whether or not debugging is enabled
>httpProxy[comment]=HTTP proxy in host:port format, e.g. squid.redhat.com:3128
>noReboot[comment]=Disable the reboot actions
>"up2date" 104L, 3436C                     
wanted to add this to the above   here is all the files or folders in 
the rhn folder...
[root at My_World rhn]# ls
clientCaps.d  rhnsd    systemid  up2date-keyring.gpg
rhn-applet    sources  up2date   up2date-uuid

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