mozilla mail faded text

Cam camilo at
Sat Jun 26 19:25:32 UTC 2004


> I am using mozilla mail to view my mail. I am recieving the digest 
> fedora-list mail. The mail seems to be presented in faded text for 
> signature portions and in some cases the header and subsequent message 
> body text also. It returns to normal when a quoted section occurs but 
> will go faded again when it hits a signature.
> Is there a setting I can set to stop this faded behavior? I have tried 
> all kinds of character coding settings but nothing seems to change. It 
> would seem there must be some setting that I am missing to prevent this 
> behavior.
> Any help would be appreciated.

It's not much help but I have a suggestion.

If you switched to the normal messages you could use the message filters 
to move the list messages to a custom folder, and you could use the 
excellent threading features to make the most of the information in the 


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