FC2 Upgrad worked!

Gerry Doris gdoris at rogers.com
Sun Jun 27 15:36:45 UTC 2004

Well, I've been holding off moving to FC2.  I've read all the horror
stories and thought maybe I should just stay at FC1 forever!

Well, curiosity got the better of me.  I backed up a test box and did
the deed yesterday.  I have a Nvidia card in this box so I knew there
would be trouble but went ahead away.

I had a few problems getting everything working but this was much easier
than setting everything up from a fresh install.  My xmms played mp3
right off (all this was working in FC1).  Pine complained about my self
signed certs being missing but that happens everytime I upgrade openssl
and I know how to fix that.  I pulled down an 8k stack kernel
binary/source rpm that Linuxant was kind enough supply.  Using the
Nvidia run binary against that and a couple of minor edits to XF86Conf
and I was operational.

Oh, I forgot about having to remove cyrus-imap and installing dovecot
instead.  My yum.conf wasn't correct for FC2 but that was also easily
fixed. I'm convinced that Google has all the information ever know to

So for those hanging back...I suggest a good backup and away you go!

Gerry Doris <gdoris at rogers.com>

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