upgrading OpenOffice and Mozilla

admin at kclinux.net admin at kclinux.net
Sun Jun 27 17:23:02 UTC 2004

This was pretty much a useless reply that used up everyone's bandwidth 
and disk space.  Thanx.

Alexander Dalloz wrote:

>Am So, den 27.06.2004 schrieb Kent Emia um 13:12:
>>just want to know if it is safe to upgrade my current OpenOffice and
>>mozilla in fedora core2, using the installers in their webpages
>>especially if it is in .tar form ...
>>mozilla is 1.6 while 1.7 is already out
>>OO is 1.1.1 while 1.1.2 is already out 
>What do you want to gain by that? Do you face bugs which are fixed in
>the more recent versions? Or is this just stupid version "horniness"? I
>think you can guess my answer if it is the last case.

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