pilot usb settings

Norman LeCouvie lecouvie at sun.com
Sun Jun 27 22:28:04 UTC 2004

I think there may have also been a second command, something about tty 
or re-mapping it?

Ben Steeves wrote:

>On Sun, 27 Jun 2004 16:00:40 -0400, Norman LeCouvie <lecouvie at sun.com> wrote:
>>I cannot get gnome-pilot to see my usb palm pilot. when this happened a
>>few months about with another linux distro, someone send me a command to
>>redirect the usb ports or something,
>>chmod "something something something"
>(as root): chmod 666 /dev/ttyUSB* 
>chmod CHanges the MODe of the file (or files).  The mode denotes the
>access permissions that apply to the file.  "6" is the octal
>equivalent of 110 binary, which, when applied against the pattern
>"rwx", means "r" (read) and "w" (write) are enabled (set to one) and
>"x" (executable) is disabled (set to 0).  The first octal digit is for
>the file's owner's permissions, the second for members of the file's
>group, and the third for others.  A permission string of 666 gives
>read and write permission to everyone.
>On a multi-user system, you typically wouldn't do that, but on a
>single-user desktop its a pretty safe bet that no one will be trying
>to use the USB ports concurrently.
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