FC2 responsiveness Slower compared to RH9 on 2.6 kernel

Ow Mun Heng Ow.Mun.Heng at wdc.com
Mon Jun 28 22:37:47 UTC 2004


	Not sure if its Me, but FC2 seems slower to response compared to my old
RH9 install. 

RH9 -> 2.6.3 kernel
FC2 -> 2.6.7-mm2

RH9-> ext3 (hda3)
FC2-> reiserfs (Hda9)

(i know about the 'try to install it closer to the OD, it's faster etc..
but my partition is like that right now.)

I also know there _is_ some problems with the 3d being on (dri..) but
I'm not sure that's the cause of the problems.

I run Gnome-2.6, at times, just changing workspaces can cause temporary
hangs, like 1 or 2 seconds. System Load is OK too. Initially I though it
was because of processor power, so I jacked up to 1.4G (instead of
letting it being dynamic) and still the issue.

I thought it could be my HD. hdparm -t /dev/hda got like 28-33MB/s. So
that's fair.

One thing I've not tried is putting my NLS default codepage as
is08859-1. I've compiled into the kernel utf8. (which I've heard can
slow things down.) however, I've tried googling for an option to pass to
the kernel but I failed to locate that link. Anyone remember? (short of
me re-compiling my kernel? Which I should do anyway, since I have to
strip out the debug infos from my kernel)

ipv6 is already off alias ipv6 /bin/true

Kernel is Preempt too, io anticipatory.



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