Alejandro Navarro anavarro at dinanet.net.co
Tue Jun 29 02:11:36 UTC 2004

Anyone knows where to find documentation that explains how to integrate the
DHCP with a MySQL data base?

The issue is that I have a work scenario with many users in multiples
subnets that take addresses from a DHCP server running FC2.

This is a managing problem because only the clients that are declared with
their respective MAC can receive an IP address. In a few words, the
dhcp.conf gets bigger every day and I have to edit a file text any time I
want to add a user.

Is there any way to force the DHCP service to not to read the dhcp.conf file
to authorize the leases, and instead to take the data base information
running in MySQL??? Something similar to mounting a Freeradius running
against a MySQL data base.

I hope my explanation was clear enough.



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