Fully supported japanese Fedora

Alexander Apprich a.apprich at science-computing.de
Tue Jun 29 11:27:50 UTC 2004

Hi all,

for a japanese co-worker I have to install a Fedora box with full
support of japanese. To me it seems, that KDE and Gnome support
japanese allmost 100%. What I'm still working on are the applications
like browsers and mail clients. What mail client support reading
and writing japanese? I know some of them can disply mails written
in kanji. I figured out how to make emacs able to write japanese,
but that's it. Also, she gets mails written in JIS(?) code.

Right now she's using RH9 with mutt. To read and write mails in
kanji she's using emacs. But she said any mail client works
for her as long as she can read and write mails in kanji/JIS.

If someone could help me with this I would really appreciate it.

Thanks in advence


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