x86_64: biarch shared libraries broken for gtk2 on FC2?

Phil Dybvig fedora at ducksoup.afree.net
Tue Jun 29 20:26:21 UTC 2004

>You are correct in what it is doing, but the real question is why.  This is
>not a GTK problem  at all, and stems from the actual build side of helix.
>Generally this type of issues if corrected via libtoolize, Makefile edits,
>or in worst cases script and code changes.  I have not tried a helix build
>yet in either 32bit or 64bit, but that would be the first place to look.  I
>will give helix a run later and see what I find as well.
Thanks.  Unfortunately, helix uses a different build system I don't recognize, 
not the familiar libtool configure;make.  From reading the site it sounds like a 
lot of smaller projects they are having enough trouble getting everything 
working at a point of time on a single architecture, let alone making everything 
robust to differen architectures and tool versions.

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