sendmail issues...

Gerry Doris gdoris at
Thu Mar 4 20:07:32 UTC 2004

> Cool, thanks... Actually, I finally figured out (by increasing the debug
> level in the logs) that STARTTLS said it was "missing" the
> ServerCertFile... Which is odd, cause I didn't change anything, and even
> on the NEW fresh install, it should have been good, because I was using
> the DEFAULT auto-generated file... The file had the correct permissions,
> so I ended up copying and pasting the following line over my old one:
> define(`confSERVER_CERT',`/usr/share/ssl/certs/sendmail.pem')dnl
> from one of the web sites I was reading on how to set it up in the first
> place, and restarted the server and magically it worked... I guess there
> was some hidden tab or space or something in that line that I couldn't
> see, I've had that happen before with something else, which is really odd,
> but it NOW works, so I'm happy... The only thing I noticed, is that the
> first time I connect with outlook or evolution it tells me the certificate
> is bad, even though I created it exactly like it told me... but, it still
> accepts it none the less, and I could care less, as long as it works...
> Thanks!
> -Tim

I had much the same problem but I was using a modified pem file.  In one
of the updates the certification file that I had modified by adding my own
locally signed cert was happily overwritten without warning.

To get it working I had to go back and add my cert again.


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