RPM database

Pedro Fernandes Macedo webmaster at margo.bijoux.nom.br
Thu Mar 4 23:22:30 UTC 2004

Bevan C. Bennett wrote:

> It sounds like the mirror got broken at some point, perhaps when a 
> disk error was detected (yielding seven kernel versions of bad luck).
> If you don't watch the logs closely, it can be disturbingly easy to 
> miss RAID-related messages for things like 'I failed this drive today'.

Looks like my co-worker didnt see this e-mail then... He receives all 
the e-mails to root for our domain (about 100 linux boxes , and about 50 
sun) and he usually doesnt have the time to read them all.. I only saw 
the failed raid when I changed the mail config on our mailqueue/backup 
server to ensure that our migration to postfix was working perfectly...  
I guess we need to change the default policy for root e-mails...

Pedro Macedo

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