Adding item to the menu (GNOME)

thedogfarted thedogfarted at
Tue Mar 9 14:12:33 UTC 2004

Jeff Vian wrote:
> thedogfarted wrote:
>> try this:
>> cd /usr/share/applications
>> ls
> If you are looking for a file named .desktop,   you CANNOT see it with "ls"
> You will have to use "ls .*" to see files whose names begin with a "."
> The shell does not match file names beginning with a . when it expands 
> the *, and ls follows the same rules.

you didn't understand me. When we speak about menu editing we speak not 
about file named .desktop but files with extension '.desktop'

[thedogfarted at yarrow thedogfarted]$ cd /usr/share/applications
[thedogfarted at yarrow applications]$ ls
fedora-gnome-alsamixer.desktop  mail-notification.desktop
fedora-hdspconf.desktop         mozilla-compose.desktop

>> and what do you see now??
>> if i open /usr/share/applications i can't see any .desktop files too, 
>> that's because nautilus displays the names specified in those files.
>> pinco wrote:
>>> Andrew Robinson wrote:
>>>> I asked this question a week or so ago. Youssef Makki was kind 
>>>> enough to provide me with this short exchange on the subject of 
>>>> adding items to the menus by hand. I have not tried these 
>>>> modifications yet, but here is the info I have:
>>>> HTH,
>>>> Andrew Robinson
>>>> That's determined in the .desktop file itself, take the xchat one for
>>>> example:
>>>> Categories=Application;Network;
>>>> This would make it show up under Internet -> More Internet 
>>>> Applications.
>>>> Add "X-Red-Hat-Base;" to the categories, and it'll show up in the main
>>>> Internet menu.
>>> Hi Andrew,
>>> I wasn't able to find any .desktop file!
>>> It isn't in my /usr/share/applications.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Nino

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