time zone for Brasilia

Andre Costa acosta at ar.microlink.com.br
Fri Mar 12 18:08:51 UTC 2004

On Fri, 12 Mar 2004 11:46:08 -0600
"Rodolfo J. Paiz" <rpaiz at simpaticus.com> wrote:

> At 11:21 3/12/2004, you wrote:
> >Is it right that Brasilia has so many timezones, from GMT-3 up to
> >GMT-8?
> Note that the country name is "Brazil" in English, "Brasil" in Spanish
> and Portuguese (and presumably others as well). Brasilia is the
> capital city.
> That being said, Brazil is a huge country. On the 6,400-mile air trip
> from Miami to São Paulo, well over half the trip is flown already
> inside Brazilian territory. It covers a significant chunk of South
> America. But for simplicity, I believe they only use two time zones:
> GMT-03 and GMT-04.

You're absolutely right, Rodolfo. Here's some data taken from... CIA (!)


As for timezone configuration, -0800 is definitely wrong. Only -0300,
-0400 and -0500 apply to Brazil. This might help too:




PS: my TZ settings are right, aren't they?

Andre Oliveira da Costa

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