Random Network Droping, advice needed

Jim Radford jim at grubber.org
Tue Mar 16 20:39:56 UTC 2004

On Tuesday 16 Mar 2004 7:56 pm, Andy Green wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Tuesday 16 March 2004 19:35, Jim Radford wrote:
> > How can I gather evidence that it's my machine that's the problem?
> Look at the error stats for the adapter in ifconfig.

eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr ??:??:??:??:??:??  
        inet addr:???.???.???.???  Bcast:???.???.???.???  Mask:
        RX packets:10127698 errors:186786 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:279486
        TX packets:7781618 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
        collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 
        RX bytes:3488952219 (3327.3 Mb)  TX bytes:565796174 (539.5 Mb)
        Interrupt:10 Base address:0xe000 

So, I see errors there - what does that tell me? Sorry for not understanding.

> Get a second machine with tcpdump, via a hub if possible.... use that to
> monitor what is going on at the wire.

Hmm, the only other machine I've got here is my work laptop - which as I 
stated isn't 100% reliable. I'll see if I can set that off from work 
tomorrow. Could you advise how to use tpcdump?

> Look up how to disable ECN from the list archives.


> > This is with a Laptop, my work machine - also running Fedora. This
> > machine also loses it's network - but this is happening every half hour,
> > give or
> Does the mouse stop while it 'freezes'?  How about Caps Lock?

IIRC the mouse doesn't - I haven't tried Caps Lock - I will tho.

> Try disabling ACPI on the kernel commandline.


> Have a look in cron stuff I guess.

I couldn't see anything in there - that was one of the first places I checked 

> tcpdump from the other machine to see what's on the wire.

Cool - I'll try that as well when I'm back at work tomorrow.

Jim Radford
   "If at first you don't succeed - change the DC"

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