Unscribe question

Homer hparker at homershut.net
Wed Mar 17 00:58:09 UTC 2004

On Tue, 2004-03-16 at 18:43, Swamper wrote:
> Mike wrote:
> > How can I unscribe from this list? It looks like the unscribe for the fedora
> > list is not working properly.
> > 
> > It is interesting, I love Linux, but the number of messages is to huge.
> I agree; the number of messages is getting a little much for
> email.  I'm thinking about unsubscribing myself.  They really
> should, IMO, set up a message board.  There are a lot of nice
> ones out there that would do just fine.  I have a message board
> set up on my computer using FC2t1 and a nice little message
> board system called Phorum.  It's basically just sitting there
> unused and if the Meritocracy gives the nod I'll post the url to
> it but it would be better if *they* set something up at their
> site.  The corporate mind, however meritocratic they may be,
> might not like the loss of control that would happen if *the
> community* actually moved some of this discussion to private
> message boards.

	I hope the don't move to a message board, or if they do, they offer the
e-mail style as well still... I might be a bit old fashioned, but I
prefer just opening my MUA and there's mail... No waiting on web pages,
graphics, etc... And I can connect my laptop, grab my mail and read it
when and where I want, with or without 'net access...



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