up2date packages retrieval problems

Bruno Santos bvsantos at hal.min-saude.pt
Wed Mar 17 12:22:38 UTC 2004

Hello all.

I'm using FC1 behind a proxy server. The proxy requires user 
authentication, and i've up2date configured for it.
Can someone tell me why cant i make the updates???

The question is, up2date tray icon does recognize the user / password / 
proxy values and tells me that are updates to download, but the problem
is that it cant download them.... when retrieving headers, it 
crashes.... stays there a long time till i need to close it....

Someone can tell me why ???

best cheears

PS: up2date is the latest version avaiable

bvsantos at hal.min-saude-pt

Divisao de Informatica
Tel: +351 272 000 155
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informatica at hal.min-saude.pt


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