trying to enable SCSI support for my ATAPI drives.

Jeff Vian jvian10 at
Tue Mar 23 00:51:22 UTC 2004

Merrill Jr. Butterman wrote:

>Got a quick question, having k3b installed successfully, how do you enable SCSI
>support for CD-ROM's. Even though they are on a IDE bus, k3b suggested adding
>that, to avoid any problems accessing them. I was able to use the program
>successfully without any issues except for the speed of reading the tracks
>before the actual writing happened. I suspect it means changing the fstab files
>but since they are critical, I don't dare touch them on a suspicion. thanks for
>any help you could render.
As long as you are running the 2.4 kernel, just put "hdc=ide-scsi" in 
grub.conf on the line that loads the kernel.  Put one of these for each 
drive that is to have the scsi emulation enabled and it will work perfectly.

Note though, that this will change the device designation for the drive. 
 For example /dev/hdc may become /dev/sda.  This will break the use of 
/dev/cdrom for access until you relink it to the new device.  Since 
/etc/fstab uses the /dev/cdrom designation, reseting the link will 
handle  that as well.

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