Managing services

Juan Carlos Inostroza jci at
Tue Mar 30 21:29:49 UTC 2004

On Tue, 2004-03-30 at 17:26, Fabrício Santos wrote:
> Are there any more extensive docs to this utility?

man service? :-)

(hint: service <servicename> action == /etc/init.d/servicename action)

> 2. /etc/rcX.d
> Inside the rcX.d directories, there are files named K99servicename and
> S99servicename. I supose the K stands for Kill at reboot or halt time, and S
> stands for Start at bootup time. Then the numbers are just a way of sorting
> the way the services are started or stopped. Is this correct? Where can I
> learn more on these matters?

Check the initscripts at /etc/init.d. There is a line that reads

# chkconfig: 2345 08 92

the first value says the runlevels the script will run(2,3,4 and 5). The
second value, the start priority (S08) and the last one, the stopping
priority (K92)

> 3. ln -s /etc/init.d/httpd S35httpd
> Is there any FC1 text based utility that may create these links
> automatically instead of forcing the way manually like I did?

chkconfig servicename on/off


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