Auto shutdown

Robin Laing Robin.Laing at
Wed May 12 14:56:25 UTC 2004

Adriano Holanda wrote:
> Hi Robin;
> The computer are accessible at off hours, but
> only from 8:00 till 23:00.
> Your cron sugestion could be an idea while
> I can't implement the solution that I want.
> I'm thinking in grid cause we have research groups
> that could use idle cpu to perform simulations.
> If you have sugestions (links) related to grid implementation,
> please send to me.
> Thanks;
> Adriano.
> Robin Laing wrote:
>> Adriano Holanda wrote:
>>> I'm a administrator of a lab with 40 machines.
>>> Sometimes, mainly at night, the students forget to
>>> shutdown the computers after the classes.
>>> So computers remain a long period (weekend) with the power
>>> on, heating the room and themselves.
>>> [];
>>> Adriano.
>> That is valid.
>> Are classes in session or are computers accessable at off hours?
>> If not, then run a cron job at times when the computer isn't/cannot be 
>> used that will just shutdown at that time.
>> I also see an issue with the monitors being on as well.
>> Another thing to think about is if it is at a University, then look at 
>> making these systems available for a grid during the off hours.  We 
>> have computers around our organization that are configured to do this.

Here is one link that I have.


Another one is BOINC that is to replace SETI at home in the near 
future.  I don't know if this will work in a closed environment or what.

Search for grid computing and see what you find.

Robin Laing

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