single linux box on dsl?

Jeff Vian jvian10 at
Thu May 13 21:44:45 UTC 2004

Guy Fraser wrote:

> William Hooper wrote:
>> Jay Daniels said:
>>> What was the verdict on using a single Linux box with X on DSL or
>>> Cable?
>>> Does the redhat-config-securitylevel tool block ports X uses?
>> If you configure it to.
>>> Is there an X Windowing system that doesn't uses ports?
>> By default FC1 doesn't use any TCP ports for XFree86.
> Yes FC1 does use TCP ports for X11.
> Display :0.0 = TCP port 6000
> XDMCP does not use TCP by default, so you can't access a remote desktop
> but the display is still listening. You use xhost to control access to
> the display.
> If you log onto another machine and export DISPLAY=yourhost:0.0 and 
> you have run xhost +remoteip then when you run an X app on the remote 
> machine it will display on your local interface, you also need to open 
> TCP port 6000 in your firewall. You can also use ssh forwarding to 
> simplify some of the steps and encrypt the X commands between the two 
> machines, this does not require TCP port 6000 to be opened.
> I use ssh X forwarding all the time, and it works well.
I have done some trying to get X forwarding running via ssh.

I use cygwin to log in from my work pc via ssh to my linux box but as 
yet have been unable to get the X forwarding to cooperate even after 
trying all the steps listed on the various sites I found with google.
There is no firewall at issue here. I must be missing something subtle, 
but am at a loss as to what.

Can you provide any pointers/instructions on how you made this work 

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