Intro to Linux

Douglas Furlong douglas.furlong at
Fri May 14 08:16:16 UTC 2004

Here is one web site that I beleive has a lot of links off of it. (may be
worth a read if your using the sites).

This news group is very handy if your looking for specific answers and
have specific questions.

Some can be a bit touchy/techy about how you may pose your question, so
it may be worth while reading through some of the archives to get a feel
for the customs.

Can't really think of any thing else right now.

On Thu, 2004-05-13 at 15:19, Tonamiben wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> It seem that there is a lot of things to learn about Linux.
> What is the best reccomended online intro to Linux related to Fedora
> flavor ?
> Tonamiben
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