FC2 BitTorrent URL's

Chris Kloiber ckloiber at ckloiber.com
Tue May 18 08:19:18 UTC 2004

On Tue, 2004-05-18 at 10:55, John Thompson wrote:

> Ok, I downloaded the images using Azureus and they seem fine.  I left
> Azureus running overnight last night to share it, but I'd rather serve
> them up as a daemon process rather than relying on X/java to keep things
> going.  How do I configure generic BitTorrent to share the images I
> already have?  This has been my first experience using
> Azureus/BitTorrent so I'm not entirely sure what I'm doing yet.

Assuming they are identical to the "real" ones, you find the official
tracker, and join it just like you did with Azureus telling it to
"download" to the same place. Bittorrent will check your local files
against the checksums in the official .torrent, then since you don't
need any more pieces you will basically act as another 'seed' and start

Chris Kloiber

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