FC1 / Gaim and old buddy list...

Michael Peppler mpeppler at peppler.org
Fri May 21 06:59:06 UTC 2004

I just upgraded to gaim-0.77-2.FC1.
I was using the AIM protocol for my AIM account, rather than the AIM/ICQ
entry, and now my entire buddy list is gone, because the old(er)
protocol isn't supported anymore (or at least that's my guess).

This is the sort of change that should at the least make a backup of the
.xml file that holds the buddy list before overwriting it, or (better)
attempt to convert the buddy list from the old one.

Michael Peppler                              Data Migrations, Inc.
mpeppler at peppler.org                       http://www.peppler.org/
Sybase T-SQL/OpenClient/OpenServer/C/Perl developer available for short
or long term contract positions - http://www.peppler.org/resume.html

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