FC 2 and smb mounts

shrek-m at gmx.de shrek-m at gmx.de
Sat May 22 18:31:42 UTC 2004

Scot L. Harris wrote:

>>>Alejandro Flores wrote:
>>>> I'm having problems when mounting an smb share. The command goes well
>>>>(mount -t smbfs -o username=me,password=passofme,uid=myuid,gid=mygid
>>>>//server/myhome /home/user/myhome) but when I try to list the contents
>>>>of the directory it hangs up. I looked in /var/log/messages and I got
>Same problem here.  Setup an smb mount point.  At first it appeared to
>work as expected.  I had full access to the share.  Then it stopped
>working.  Not sure what changed.  Have rebooted a few times but no
>change in the problem.  The mount appears to execute correctly but when
>I try to ls the directory it hangs.  At that point it is impossible to
>kill the ls process or umount the share.

what happens with CIFS ?
# mount -t cifs -ousername=... /home/...


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