3 minor issues

Marc Williams marcw at onlymooo.com
Sun May 23 03:47:33 UTC 2004

On Sat, 2004-05-22 at 22:15, Jeff Ratliff wrote:
> Ooops! sorry. I checked my FC1 and FC2 systems, and behaviour 
> is the same in both...
> In a virtual console, <HOME> and <END> take you to the beginning 
> and end (respectively) of a document.
> In a terminal, <HOME> and <END> don't do anything. 
> I don't have X on my FC1 box, so testing was through SSH from 
> a GNOME terminal. 

Hmmm...  I would've sworn that on my FC1 <Home> and <End> worked as
expected in Less.  But I can't check since it's now an FC2 machine.

At any rate, according to the Less man page and the Less web site,
<Home> and <End> are indeed supposed to be functioning like g and G so I
think I'll file a bug report.

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