automatical execution of a program on a startup

Christian Ullrich chu-news at
Sat May 29 09:53:17 UTC 2004

Tomek Kabarowski schrieb:

>I also created symbolic links to it in every /etc/rc.d/rc[0-6].d/
>[tk at acer rc0.d]$ ls -l K15slmodemd
>lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root 18 maj 28 18:10 K15slmodemd ->../init.d/slmodemd
>...actually I don't know what are this 'K' or 'S' on the beginning mean
>:(, but I created only 'K' one as it is for httpd. I also don't know if
>'15' number is somehow significant.
If you want to use it in runlevel 3 (full multiuser mode) and 5 (X11), 
then you have to put a symlink Sxxslmodemd into /etc/rc[3,5].d/ and 
symlinks Kyyslmodemd into /etc/rc[0,1,2,4,6].d/ with xx high enough, 
that all services your service (slmodemd) are started before (their 
number after S is lower than xx) and yy low enough, that all this other 
services are stopped afterwards (ther number after K is higher than yy).

But as written in the other post, let chkconfig to this work for you and 
just look for nice xx and yy.


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