terminal freezes occationally

Alan Mead cubrewer at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 1 06:07:36 UTC 2004

--- netmask <netmask at enZotech.net> wrote:
> > I am using Konsole 1.2.3 on FC1 (KDE 3.1.4-4).  I run time
> > terminal session has frozen.  The window itself (e.g., the menu)
> > still seems to act normally but nothing I do will make the
> session
> > echo commands or produce any screen output.  The session seems
> > frozen.  I have to exit and start a new session.

> None off the top of my head, but when it does it.. I'd launch
> another console, 
> find the pid of the one that is locked up (ps auxww|grep -i
> konsole)
> and do an strace -p $pid   (where $pid is the process Id you got
> from the the 
> ps command, second column)

Hmm.. sounds interesting... 

I see a Konsole process and a bash process.  When I strace the
Konsole process I get a series of things... I don't know what I'm
doing or what they mean... 'ioctl (3, FIONREAD, [Y])' appears a lot
with Y=0 or 32... anyway, it's responsive.  

OTOH, when I 'strace -p' the frozen bash process, I get:

Process XXXX attached - interrupt to quit
ioctl(0, TCSETSW
(at this point I try hitting return a few times, nothing)
(I hit control-C)
<unfinished ...>
Process XXXX detached

Any idea what this means?


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