Installing / Running Gnome-RPM

Scot L. Harris webid at
Tue Nov 2 16:19:19 UTC 2004

On Tue, 2004-11-02 at 10:52, David Hodge wrote:
> I have fc2 installed, and Apache.  I need to install a few other rpm's 
> How do I get my hands on Gnome-RPM ?
> How can I tell what (packages?) programs I already have installed on my
> system?
> tks. 

To see what packages you have installed run this from a command line:

rpm -qa |more

If you are looking for a particular package you can use grep:

rpm -qa |grep gnome

This will show you those packages with gnome in the package names.

To install additional packages I recommend, as I am sure other will, you
use up2date or yum.  These tools will handle the dependencies for
installing a particular package.  

Please configure yum to use a mirror site.  If left at the defaults it
hits the main red hat repository which is over loaded and will provide
poor response.  

yum install gnome-desktop

or if you just need to update the package:

yum update gnome-desktop

To update all installed packages on your system:

yum update

Check out the man page for yum or one of the web sites that details

Scot L. Harris
webid at

Paranoia is simply an optimistic outlook on life. 

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