KDE Menu Editor

ejbjr ejbjr at themusenashville.com
Sun Nov 7 07:46:24 UTC 2004

Daniel B. Thurman wrote:

>Hello all,
>I tried to use the JKE Menu editor ...
I have't been able to figure out this thing either.  What is the menu editor
showing me?  It shows all the applications I want in my KDE menu, but
there doesn't seem to be any way to select them and add them into my menu.
I can edit, re-arange, add to, delete and save the data its showing me, 
but I want to
be able to edit my menu - particularly after rpm destroys it when it seg 
or hangs.
e. j. branagan
the MUSE <http://www.themusenashville.com>
835 4th Ave. South
Nashville, TN  37210

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