README: Current Fedora Core 2 Problems & Solutions/Helpful Links

Lisa (TheAverageJane) melgil88 at
Sun Nov 7 13:58:02 UTC 2004

Hey all!  Last time :) 

::crowd applauds::

Thanks to everybody for all their information, advice and help.  Due to
disk space shortage, there'll be no upgrades to FC3 for me for the
foreseeable future. 

Best wishes!


Who is that site for?
People who are new to fedora-list and most likely new to Fedora Core 2.

What is that site for?
It's a listing of the latest/most thread producing problems that crop up
with Fedora Core 2. It is an attempt to stave off the same questions
being asked over and over again on this list.  The intent is that new
folks will read it and find the info they need without asking here as
this is an *extremely* busy list. Also included are helpful links to get
a newbie started reading the most important news and information about
Fedora, its included window managers, and Linux in general. 

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