Mount remote cdrom by nfs

Jeff Vian jvian10 at
Sun Nov 7 20:01:49 UTC 2004

On Sun, 2004-11-07 at 10:33, Olaf Mueller wrote:
> Adam Stokes wrote:
> > did you export the cdrom device in /etc/exports?
> Yes. And if /mnt/cdrom is not mounted on this host, I can access the
> path /mnt/cdrom by nfs. But if the CD is in the drive and the drive is
> mounted, I can't access it by nfs.
> So it seems to me that everything is ok with the nfs settings, but
> there must be a problem with the given permissions on mounting a local
> cdrom: /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom udf,iso9660 user,noauto,ro 0 0.

This may be the issue.  check the options in /etc/exports and in fstab
on the local machine. you may be having problems with the typical unix
filesystem permissions.

I did not get whether it mounts but is not accessible, or if it does not
even mount.

If it mounts, it is likely the permissions.  If it does not mount it is
nfs related (may still be permissions, but at a different level).

in my /etc/fstab I have :    /archive      nfs
noauto,users,rw,rsize=8192,wsize=8192,timeo=14,intr  0 0

in the remote /etc/exports I have:
/archive                goliath(rw,no_root_squash)

This allows me to mount and access the remote filesystem  as a regular
user.  It also allows me to manipulate data there as root. (root owns
the filesystem on the remote host so local users can browse/read but
cannot change it)

>         Olaf

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