Fedora Core 3 - upgrade notes

William Hooper whooperhsd3 at earthlink.net
Thu Nov 11 13:27:09 UTC 2004

Timothy Murphy said:
>>> - The description of the httpd package doesn't mention Apache
> I've wondered about this.
> (I think it predates FC-3, though.)
> Why has Apache suddenly become a forbidden word?
> Is it a licensing issue?

What description are we talking about?

[whooper at token RPMS]$ rpm -qip httpd-2.0.52-3.i386.rpm
Summary     : The httpd Web server
Description :
This package contains a powerful, full-featured, efficient, and
freely-available Web server based on work done by the Apache Software
Foundation. It is also the most popular Web server on the Internet.

William Hooper

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