Gmail and FC mailing list

Satish Balay balay at
Fri Nov 12 20:09:20 UTC 2004

On Fri, 12 Nov 2004, ian douglas wrote:

> Since some people's Email clients doing a Reply-to-All would set the Fedora
> list as a CC recipient, perhaps adding it as a CC field check would be helpful
> as well ... to catch messages like this.

Actually - this is not a 'Reply-to-All' issue. 

The problem is - 'gmail' sets the 'Reply-To' field - when it
shouldn't. (for any e-mails that are sent from gmail)

Reply-To: Username <user at>

This causes fedora-list to modify the Reply-To as:

Reply-To: Username <user at>,
    For users of Fedora Core releases <fedora-list at>

Thus, when anyone replies to such e-mails - both addressed are in 'To:

gmail is messed-up.


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