Cron Problem FC 3 ?

Craig Goodyear craig48 at
Sat Nov 13 23:23:31 UTC 2004

I have installed Fedora Core 3 without any problems.  I have added 2 
tasks that run once a week to cron using crontab.  Ever since the cron 
additions, I have received the following messages at 1 minute and 1 
second past each hour in /var/log/messages:

Nov 13 17:01:01 itox crond(pam_unix)[4116]: session opened for user root 
by (uid=0)
Nov 13 17:01:01 itox crond(pam_unix)[4116]: session closed for user root

There are no entries in /etc/cron.hourly.  I have not seen this problem 
with either Core 1 or Core 2.

Does anyone know what could be causing these root sessions to open or 
where to look for a solution?


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