Upgrade Fedora Core 3 / probs and questions

Stefan Gsundbrunn info at gsundbrunn.de
Mon Nov 15 06:02:39 UTC 2004

Am Sonntag, den 14.11.2004, 14:05 -0500 schrieb Clint Harshaw:
> Thanks for sharing this trick for FC2! I've had these extra keys on this 
> Logitech keyboard and haven't even looked to see if they *could* be 
> config'd.

Youi´re welcomed. But, if you do the upgrade to FC3, ensure that you cat
is at least downstairs :-)

> ...sorry 'bout the cat. I'll try to calm it down should it make it to 
> SC, USA. :-)

Jip. Let her know that it was an accident ;-)

> of lightning and boom that rattled the house. She never touched another 
> window for the rest of her life.

Better this than that it recognizes how powerful it is :-) The
thundercat :-) Could getting real dangerous for dogs and the feeding
family :-))

> Clint

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