Fedora Core 3: text mode instal and LVM and ...

Damir Dezeljin programing at mbss.org
Mon Nov 15 13:48:09 UTC 2004


I would like to use the text mode installation program (I don't have
access to the GUI desktop) to install Fedora Core 3. Unfortunately I
encountered few problems. One of those is that I can't partition a LVM vg
in text mode - I'm able to define the LVM phisical volume (/dev/hda4),
however I would like to add also some partitions to the LVM volume (e.g.
/usr, /tmp, /var/log, ... mount points). Is it possible to do it?

Another thing I would like to do is install Fedora Core 3 on a remote
system. I thought of using tar to make a backup and later extract it
another machine booted from Knoppix live CD (I used such a procedure lot
of times with Debian). Tar command:
tar -c -f bck.tar -p --numeric-owner /*

I'm sure that files will be restored correctl ... the problem I see are
the modules that should be loaded at boot time. Is there anything similar
to kudzu that can be ran on the restored system to prepare an initrd image
for booting (I guess that I will need SCSI, ethernet,... preload modules
support on boot so that after restarting I will still be able to
access the system ;) ).


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