mounting dvds is odd in FC3

Bruno Santos bvsantos at
Wed Nov 17 16:14:43 UTC 2004

Hello all.

im using FC3 since its release, and im very pleased with it.
but, when mounting DVDs, the thing is strange.

i insert a DVD, and no automatic mount. when i press its icon (using 
KDE), a message apears
saying that the DVD is alredy mounted or its busy. no mount happens.

when in shell, i type mount, the DVD (hdc) is not listed.
when mouting throught the shell, the message is the same.
if i wait, at least 8 minutes, and i try to mount it again, it works...

is there a problem with FC3 regarding mounts ??

ive asked a friend of mine about that, and he complains about the same 


bvsantos at


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