Updates announcements?

Jorge Fábregas fabregasj at prtc.net
Fri Nov 19 15:55:28 UTC 2004

On Friday 19 November 2004 10:09 am, James Kosin wrote:
> The main reason for the delay in posting is usually, there is a MAD
> rush for everyone to get the updates when the post comes out.  If all
> the mirrors haven't caught up, you have a lot of people screaming
> about not being able to get the updates.

Very good explanation. The way it is now (the delay between announcement vs 
actual posting on main site) we'll get about 1 to 5 posts to this lists 
asking questions like the original poster did. If the announcement is made 
about the same time the packages are released to the main site (and not all 
mirrors are synced) I think we will be receiving 10 to 20 posts asking why 
can't they see the new packages on their configured repos. >:)


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