Adding to Gnome Menu Panel

Rodolfo J. Paiz rpaiz at
Sat Nov 20 16:02:16 UTC 2004

On Sat, 2004-11-20 at 09:49 -0500, Jim Cornette wrote:
> This change to the /usr/share/applications/mozilla.desktop file, which 
> sets the NoDisplay value to true causes the mozilla browser to not show 
> up in menus. If you change the value to the correct setting NoDisplay=false
> you should have the browser appear on the menus.

The OP was not concerned with the menus; his problem was that the icon
on the panel now opens Firefox instead of Mozilla. That is easily
changed, as someone commented, with the Preferred Applications tool.

> I think they want to push the other browsers and make it more difficult 
> for other users to have the browser show up within the menus.

Please don't be silly. Given the amount of work that goes into offering
choice for the user and making things easier, it's absurd to suggest
that they want to make things more difficult for users.

The correct answer is that this was done to reduce clutter on the menus.
I still do not agree with that choice, and I think it is a mistake...
but the motivation was to help users, not harm them.


Rodolfo J. Paiz <rpaiz at>

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