[SOLVED] Re: Evolution 2.0.2 problem

Brian Mury b.mury at ieee.org
Mon Nov 22 09:15:51 UTC 2004

On Mon, 2004-22-11 at 01:26 -0600, Jeff Vian wrote:
> Yes it did, 
> I have been using ctrl-8 and ctrl-9 whenever someone sends the horrible
> HTML mails with tiny text, but have never noted that effect before.
> Thank you very much.

Glad I could help.

I personally feel that the current behaviour of text size control for
plain text email is a bug. If I tell Evolution that I want larger or
smaller text - I want larger or smaller text! Not the same size text
with larger or smaller line spacing.

I don't remember for sure, but didn't Evo 1.4 change the text size, even
for plain text?

I've got a long (and growing) list of complaints about Evo 2.0. It seems
to have removed some features, broken some features, and changed the
behaviour of some features that worked better the old way, while adding
virtually nothing of use to me. I sure hope it improves.

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