Checking Ink Levels aka list ettiquette: a note to the wiki writer

Patrick Ryan Vinson pvinson at
Tue Nov 23 02:38:18 UTC 2004

On Mon, 2004-11-22 at 19:51 +0800, John Summerfield wrote:

> That was something else I meant to mention.
> When you have a question to ask, don't randomly change the topic, use your 
> email cliet's compose facility.
> Many email clients well see this is part of the list etticut thread; when I 
> mark the thread read or otherwise dispost of it, there goes your question. 
> When my email client collapses the tread, I can't find your Q any more.

I'll admit, it took me a few seconds to realize exactly what you meant
by this reply.  After thinking about it twice over, I realized that I
must have hit reply over that "List Etiquette question" thread and
created my own.  My apologies.

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