yum vs. apt

Peter Cannon peter at cannon3.wanadoo.co.uk
Wed Nov 24 10:11:04 UTC 2004

On Wednesday 24 November 2004 09:52, Axel Thimm wrote:

> You mean apt/synaptic wanted to reinstall packages? Perhaps a missing
> apt-get update?

Firstly I am sure there is nothing wrong with the ATrpms site/repo.
I cant remember the exact packages but they had what I would call slightly 
different extensions my brain keeps saying .fr but I think thats a blind 

Keep in mind even though Ive used Linux for nearly two years now I'm still 
very much a newbie. I know exactly what I'm doing with Synaptic I'm very 
unsteady with command line (Something I really wish I could master) so stuff 
like yum and apt-get (text mode) throw me off balance I generally only use to 
responses in those situations Y & N actually thinking about it I'm sure it 
was under yum I had the problem anyway If I have offended you in any way I 

Peter Cannon

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