Dig timeout on certain domains

John DeDourek dedourek at unb.ca
Thu Oct 7 15:38:35 UTC 2004

Alexander Dalloz wrote:

> Am Do, den 07.10.2004 schrieb Aaron O'Hara um 1:07:
>>I did as you said running:
>>/usr/sbin/tcpdump -X port 53
>>tcpdump: listening on eth0
>>And then running the 2 DiG statements.
>>I then quit the tcpdump command and got:
>>0 packets received by filter
>>0 packets dropped by kernel
> There was not any traffic, even incomplete?

I am also surprised by the 0 packets business.  However,
I suggest that you re-run with the "-n" option on
tcpdump, which tells it not to reverse lookup the
IP addresses.  Obviously, without that, tcpdump holds
its output waiting until the nameserver responds or
times out before it will print.  So, "-n" is a good
option when debugging name server stuff.

Along with the previous reporter, I suspect the
resolv.conf file.  You could try specifying the
nameserver on the dig line as
    dig @w.x.y.z rest of query
where the w.x.y.z is the IP address (not name) of a
name server.

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