(no subject)

louis wang louiskingwang at 126.com
Thu Oct 7 18:15:40 UTC 2004

Bob Chiodini

	I have done this job. RedHat could search by itself. but It did not take effect

======= 2004-10-07 19:49:55 the original letter is:=======

>On Thu, 2004-10-07 at 07:07, louis wang wrote:
>> fedora-list
>> 	      I have installed RedHat in my computer. But my monitor is set to be 800*600 by default. I set it to be 1024*768. The hint told me I should log out and relog in, then the set will take effect. Then I follow the instruction. However it does not change anything.
>> My computer is DELL, the monitor model is M782.
>Verify that the Horiz and Vert sync frequencies match those of the
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= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

thanks very much!
        louis wang
        louiskingwang at 126.com

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