Moving Along with Fedora!

Stuart Sears stuart at
Thu Oct 7 19:20:16 UTC 2004

On Thu 7 October 2004 19:24, David Mamanakis wrote:
> Greetings!
> Because I have limited exposure to Unix/Linux I would like to ask a
> question about the directory structure of Linux...
> When I installed, I used the "auto setup" thing, and let it have at it...
> Now I have all kinds of directories like "\" and "\root" and "\usr"...
hey, we're getting somewhere if you're calling them directories and not 
'folders'... :-)
And incidentally, get used to the idea that the directory delimiter on 
Linux/UNIX-style systems is a slash /, not a backslash.
Just like the internet. :-)
> What I would like to know, and feel free to mail me directly, or point me
> to a web resource, but I would like to know the windows equivelent of the
> linux directories...
it doesn't really work like this. The Linux/UNIX way of doing things is to 
represent your system as a single filesystem tree, so things like c:\\ are 
unnecessary - it is not important (as an end user, not an admin!) that you 
know which disc or partition any given file on your system is actually stored 
on. Your system layout will be approximately thus:
/ - known as slash or root, the, well, _root_ of your filesystem tree. Every 
file on your system appears as a entry in a directory somewhere under /
/dev - devices: on a linux/UNIX system _everything_ is a file and this applies 
to hardware as well, it is possible to write directly to a hard drive or a 
serial port, which are accessed via files in /dev
/bin, /usr/bin, /usr/local/bin are typical places for binaries (hence the 
name) - programs, shell scripts and the like
/sbin, /usr/sbin, /usr/local/sbin - binaries that are intended for 
'superuser' (root/administrator) use.
/etc - configuration files. All (with some very minor exceptions) plain ASCII 
text. Although many services and programs have GUI configuration tools, you 
can also configure them by editing text files in here.
/home - the most common place for users to keep their files. New users 
normally get a directory under here named after their login name 
(e.g. /home/stuart). This is where they can create and keep files.
/root - 'root', (aka the superuser) has his/her files here.
/opt - often where thirdparty software will install to, in its own 
subdirectory - the closest thing to the layout of C:\\Program Files that we 
have. Software that comes with Fedora does not usually make use of this 
directory at all.

these are the main top-level directories on your system. There are others 
which I have not mentioned yet.
incidentally, any directory on the system wiht the exception of
/, /etc, /bin, /sbin, /dev can be on a different disk/partition
(even a network-mounted volume)

> This would help me navigate and get comfortable with the new system...
okay. HTH.

> I have other questions, but one thing at a time...
be aware that it would be a good idea to read the documentation _before_ 
asking questions that it clearly answers. Good URLS for this are:

and, as you may be aware

incidentally, using this link and searching for 'Linux directory structure' 
gives, as the _first_ result:

let this be a lesson in avoiding abrupt replies on mailing lists... :-)

also, Fedora Core is mainly a Red Hat product, RHEL documentation may answer a 
lot of questions. You can find it at

I'm sure others can come up with other suggestions for docs and tutorials.

> Thanks for any help, and I look forward to becoming part of the Linux
> community!
Glad to help.

Stuart Sears RHCE, RHCX
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur

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