Looking for backup software of complete system

David Fletcher fm_maillists at ntlworld.com
Sat Oct 9 22:40:39 UTC 2004

I'm starting afresh here, because I think this is a different suggestion to 
anything else I've seen.

Something I successfully experimented with a few months back, with a dual 
booting setup which had only a very small FAT32 partition with Windows 98 
installed on it, was using dd to create an image of the Windows partition, 
using something like

dd if=/dev/hda1 of=WindowsPartitionImage

Once finished messing around with Windows (and maybe screwing it up in the 
process) it's very simple indeed to restore it using

dd if=WindowsPartitionImage of=/dev/hda1

IMHO the big advantage of doing this is that the OS being backed up is not 
running i.e. I know that none of the files are changing during the backup 
process, therefore a true snapshot is obtained which can be used to restore 
the OS to exactly the state it was in when the backup was taken.

To do this with a Linux installation, perhaps it would be possible to use one 
of the distributions now available which can boot from a CD or even a USB 
flash drive (I've not tried out either of these) and use dd to perform a 
complete back up of the Linux installation which is now not running, perhaps 
to an external USB connected hard drive.

Hope this provides food for thought to whoever started this thread (was it 

And ALWAYS test backup strategies before you need them!

Dave F

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