FC2 and netplugd

Dexter Ang thepoch at gmail.com
Sun Oct 10 18:31:50 UTC 2004

Hello people.

I have recently used netplugd on FC2 and have noticed that my
/var/log/messages gets plenty of the following:

Oct 10 20:16:09 portablepoch netplugd[1634]: No interface name
Oct 10 20:16:09 portablepoch netplugd[1634]: Callback failed

and I mean plenty. It repeats for almost every second for hundreds of
times. My /etc/netplug/netplugd.conf only contains the following:


I am using this on a Thinkpad T30 with it's own eth0 (e100) and an
extra pcmcia (acx_pci) as wlan0. I haven't actually verified if this
also happens when eth0 is plugged in as I haven't had a chance to plug
in this weekend. It seems to keep on probing my eth0 and dumping this
error message every few seconds into my logs. Or is my interpretation
wrong? Is there anyway to lessen these messages or is there something
wrong with my setup?


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