make modules_install : unknown symbols

ne... akabi at
Thu Oct 14 11:38:50 UTC 2004

On Oct 14, 2004 at 15:38, Steve Howlett in a soothing rage wrote:

>>I downloaded linux kernel from and proceeded to
>>compile and install it.
>>The compilation is somewhat different than with the 2.4 kernels I'm more
>>accustomed to.
>>Everything seems to go well enough (although make gconfig didn't work)
>>until make modules_install
>>After much installation followed by much reflection, depmod reports
>>rafts and rafts of unknown symbols.
>>I seem to have taken a basic misstep somewhere and would appreciate
>>being put back on track.
>>This is with Fedora 2.
>You need to install updated tools module_init_tools & modutils. 
No the OP does not. He is using FC2 which already has the stuff
he needs. All he needs to do is follow what Alexander Dalloz said.
To add to that, I would grab the /boot/config-$KERNEL_RUNNING and
copy to where the kernel is being built as .config. The do a 'make
oldconfig' before doing a 'make menuconfig'. Then follow the rest
of the steps for building a 2.6 kernel.

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