make modules_install : unknown symbols

Fritz Whittington f.whittington at
Fri Oct 15 15:02:21 UTC 2004

On or about 2004-10-15 06:34, ne... whipped out a trusty #2 pencil and 

>On Oct 15, 2004 at 17:56, John Francis Lee in a soothing rage wrote:
>[Please do not top post]
>>On Fri, 2004-10-15 at 10:21, Alexander Dalloz wrote:
>>>Am Fr, den 15.10.2004 schrieb John Francis Lee um 4:54:
>>>>>> cp /boot/.config-2.6.5-1.358 .config
>>>>>> make oldconfig
>>>>>You should run "make oldconfig" twice - just to be sure. Under some
>>>>>conditions that is needed.
>>>>What about the guy in the previous post, Jeff Vian, who tells me this is
>>>>the wrong thing to do to begin with?
>>>He did tell you to better choose the better fitting
>>>/boot/.config-2.6.8-1.521 kernel config file because you did take the
>>>one for the older 2.6.5 kernel.
>>>>>> make xconfig
>>>>>What do you change here? Do you add modules or deactivate some?
>>>>I removed many modules that I do not need. The default Fedora config
>>>>makes so many modules that the make had previously failed when I ran out
>>>>of room on my root volume.
>>>So, when you start from scratch building your custom kernel, then start
>>>editing and removing modules from bottom of the xconfig window. This
>>>takes better care that you do not remove things on top which are needed
>>>by others below.
>>I decided to try with the distributed kernel source... and I got the
>>same response. This was with the source and config distributed by redhat
>>and presently running the machine! 
>>So then I decided to delete a lot of modules, which I did bottom up as
>>you suggested. Extremely tedious. I had assumed that unchecking ISDN,
>>for instance, would have kept all the modules below ISDN from being
>>compiled. But I unchecked everything below ISDN by hand as you
>>suggested. And so on.
>>I got the same result again. I have a list of 1193 unique unknown
>>symbols from make modules_install!
>>I don't understand it. And /lib/modules/2.6.5-1.358custom/ is three
>>times the size of the original!
>>I'm afraid to shut the machine down... it probably won't come back up!
>>Any insight into what might be wrong here?
>Your config is messed up. Delete the whole source tree.
>Copy the latest kernel .config from /boot to where you untarred
>a fresh kernel source. Run make oldconfig twice as Mr. Dalloz
>suggested. The use either 'make config' or 'make menuconfig' to
>configure your kernel. Do not use xconfig or gconfig. Then
>'make all' before 'make modules_install'.
Just curious... is there something wrong with using xconfig or gconfig?  
Do they have bugs or something?

Fritz Whittington
Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes ...
That way when you do criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes!

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